Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Who Really Speaks for British Jews?

by Les May
THE Jewish Chronicle (JC) wants to be seen as the only authentic voice of British Jews. Yesterday (Tuesday 9 July) its website carried a piece headed The Guardian's long standing and shameful tradition of promoting antisemitism denial’ with the sub-heading ‘For decades, Britain's most prominent left-wing paper has promoted those denying antisemitism on the wider left, contributing to today's toxic climate for British Jews’.

What becomes clear in reading this is that the writer’s concern is that people, including Labour people, are willing to take information about the opinions of Jewish people from sources other than the JC and the people who write for it.  In particular the writer does not like the Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) which is dismissed as a ‘tiny minority of far-left Jews’.

And what does this ‘tiny minority of far-left Jews’ actually have to say when providing guidance about what constitutes antisemitism?

Free speech is legally protected. Within these legal limits political discourse can be robust and may cause offence. There is no right not to be offended. The fact that some people or groups are offended does not in itself mean that a statement is antisemitic or racist. A statement is only antisemitic if it shows prejudice, hostility or hatred against Jews as Jews.’

Criticising Zionism or Israel as a state does not constitute criticising Jews as individuals or as a people, and is not evidence of antisemitism.’

Drawing such parallels (with Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa) can undoubtedly cause offence; but potent historical events and experiences are always key reference points in political debate.  Such comparisons are only antisemitic if they show prejudice, hostility or hatred against Jews as Jews.’

If you want to check that I am not just quoting selectively then visit the website belowYou’ll find a robust attitude to antisemitism.

If you actually talk to people about antisemitism in the Labour party they are baffled.   It simply is not part of their experience, they’ve not seen it, they’ve not heard it, they have no idea what all the fuss is about.  Note here that I am not saying that people who are prejudiced against Jews as Jews are not to be found in the Labour party or amongst its supporters. Such people exist in all walks of life and I doubt the Labour party is exempt.

The people who write for the Jewish Chronicle seem to think that the vast majority of voters actually care about the writer’s opinions and so will be swayed in how they vote.  I doubt that the majority of people care one little bit.   This isn’t antisemitic,  it’s just that we do not feel inclined to take these people as seriously as they take themselves. And we are not going to accept at face value the JC’s exaggerated claim of ‘a toxic climate for British Jews’.


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