Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Reply to Manchester Cllr. John Leech

by Les May
IT would not be reasonable to expect John Leech to be fully aware of why the response of Councillor Kelly and the other Liberal Democrats to the electoral fraud by Councillor Faisal Rana is considered to be wholly inadequate.   So I will provide some background.

This is what I wrote in the period just before the council meeting which was asked to consider the matter.

After I had been informed that he had written to the Chief Executive I wrote.

Writing to the Chief Executive, or in the case of the Conservatives, putting down a motion, is the equivalent of what I would call ‘Resolutionary Socialism’. You pass a resolution and expect it to change the world. It doesn’t, it’s just the lazy way of appearing to do something.

In particular I would like to draw attention to the following passage in what I wrote which was taken from the Pickles’ review into electoral fraud, Securing the Ballot

Electoral fraud and corruption is intertwined with other forms of crime as well. Local authorities have a large procurement role.  A group of people who cheat their way to power are unlikely to hold a higher moral standard when handing out public contracts, or when making quasi-judicial decision on planning and licensing. Electoral registration fraud is connected with financial crime
and illegal immigration.’

In view of the above the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives ought to be protesting loud and long and often, that a self confessed electoral fraudster has been given any responsibility for finance in the town. They are not.

Unfortunately in Rochdale it isn’t only fellow councillors who turn a blind eye to improper behaviour by one of their number. We have council officers who will do anything to avoid admitting that they turned a blind eye to the fact that Councillor Rana failed to declare his interests within the 28 day period after his election, as he was required to do.

This is what the guidance to councillors from the Department for Communities and Local Government says:

When you are first elected, co-opted, or appointed a member to your council or authority, you must, within 28 days of becoming a member, tell the monitoring officer who is responsible for your council’s or authority’s register of members’ interests about your disclosable pecuniary interests.
Note the word ‘must’, it could not be clearer could it? Rana did not do it, and the Monitoring Officer turned a blind eye. What sort of a town do we live in?


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