Ricky Tomlinson says Government should fund free TV licenses
THE next likely Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson says he wants to cut taxes for the rich by £10bn pounds. The Tories therefore have their eye on cutting free bus passes for the elderly, winter fuel allowances and free TV licenses for the over 75s, in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. Despite promising to guarantee free TV licenses for the over 75s until the next General Election in May 2022, they have reneged on this saying it was a cut and paste error in the Manifesto and have given the BBC the responsibility for providing free TV licenses. The BBC have said they will only provided free TV licenses for certain groups such as the over 75s in receipt of pension credit.
"The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) is calling on local pensioner groups, trade unions, community groups, students, members of the public, MPs and councillors to make a stand on Friday 21 June against:
1. The BBC’s decision to means-test the TV licence for older people
2. The Government’s decision to make the BBC pay for the concession
We are therefore asking campaigners to gather outside their local BBC at 12 noon next Friday to take part in a protest during the lunchtime. Attached you will find a simple black and white A4 poster which we are asking people to print
out at home and stick to a piece of cardboard – so that you can take it along to the demo. Local banners and placards are of course also welcome, along with whistles, drums and other instruments.
The NPC is absolutely clear – if we fail to protect this concession, the government will begin looking at the winter fuel allowance and the bus pass. That’s why we need as big a demonstration as possible out on the street next Friday.
If you are intending to organise a demonstration, please let us have the details via
info@npcuk.org. Thanks for your support."
Neil Duncan-Jordan
National Officer
I understand that the government stopped paying the BBC to fund TV licenses for the over 75s on the understanding/ agreement that the BBC would be allowed to raise the licence fee for everyone else. Even though the BBC subsequently more than recouped it’s losses it has still gone ahead and made the cut anyway.