Saturday, 4 May 2019

Memorial to Crewe's Spanish Civil War volunteers

¡No Pasaran!

A poignant event took place at Crewe Cemetery on Saturday 4th May, with the unveiling of a bench to commemorate George Fletcher and Edward McQuade, both volunteers in the 15th International Brigade fighting fascism in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.  Both men are buried in Crewe Cemetery just a few yards away from the bench that now bears their names.
The result of a long and determined campaign by Councillor Joy Bratherton, the ceremony was attended by relatives of the two men, representatives of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, and local civic figures including Laura Smith MP and Cllr. Brian Roberts, Mayor of Crewe and representatives from Unite the Union, Crewe No.1 RMT Branch and ASLEF.
A big shout out has to be made to: Unite (NW region), NW/64 Wharton and Salmesbury, NW/1400/5 Wigan, NW0269 and NW/0270,Crewe and NE/0604 Manchester Central.  All of whom made financial contributions towards the purchase and future maintenance of the memorial.

The Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 is largely eclipsed by the two monumental struggles that went before and immediately after it, and yet it represents a crucial episode in the fight against fascism, militarism and dictatorship.  It is all the more remarkable in that those who fought - some 2,500 of whom came from Britain and Ireland - were volunteers.  They were fighting to uphold democracy and social justice, at a time when Governments (including that of the UK) were actively appeasing fascist dictators in Europe.  Many of them died for the cause and lie to this day in Spanish soil.

Delores Ibárruri, the republican heroine of the Civil War, said of the International Brigades' volunteers - "You are history. You are legend. You are the heroic example of the solidarity and universality of democracy."

George and Edward finally have a proper and fitting recognition of their bravery.


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