Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Just Pick Up The Litter

by Les May

IN 1960 I joined the Young Socialists and as soon as I was old enough voted Labour. I still do.   But I also had a subscription to ‘Freedom - the Anarchist Weekly’What interested me was what is usually called ‘Direct Action’; don’t wait for someone else to do it for you, do it for yourself. It stlll does.  Don’t just grumble that there’s a lot of litter in the street, pick it up and put it in the waste bin.  That’s practical anarchism at work.

As a practical political philosophy I concluded that like Marxism its a dead duck, but for a diametrically opposite reason.  Marxist governments can plan roads and build power systems, but can’t make sure there are enough toothbrushes in the shops.  You need markets for that because markets are the way that information about shortages is fed back from consumers to producers.

At least some of the brands of Anarchism would be able to solve the toothbrush problem, but I am sceptical that it could ever solve the problem of building a power grid. (And please don’t trot out the ‘We would keep it local’. That’s fine so long as there’s a wind blowing to turn your local turbine.  And when it isn’t … ?)

It was all a long time ago. Nowadays I content myself with counting the self righteous jargon words in pieces like that below.

I don’t see this bunch changing the world.


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