Monday, 18 March 2019

Venue of Local Forum in Rochdale at risk?

A CHANGE of venue for the Spotland and Falinge Forum in an area of Rochdale is raising concerns that it will create problems for residents to participate safely.  Formerly the original venue was in a Methodist Hall close to a main road and easily accessible.

The new move into a building in the middle of Falinge Park is a curious choice for a meeting place.  It will make it more difficult to attend the Forum with transport links less easy, and some suspect that the move is part of a plan to phase out the practice of local Forums in which the local councillors become exposed to criticism and scrutiny.

It also seems that the change was pushed through without a full debate in the Forum.   Also the more remote site of the venue may place those with problems of mobility at risk, as well as creating a greater peril to those having to travel through the park in the late evening.

Mick Coats, a local resident, has asked for a 'risk assessment for people attending at the new venue, both for council employees and members of the public. (Under the Health and Safety at work Act sections 2, 3, 7 and 8, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, etc.)'.

Mr. Coats is now awaiting a reply.

1 comment:

  1. So basically Spotland labour party ( 3 councillors and the Forum Chair, who is also a Labour party member whose wife is standing for council) have decided to unilaterally move the Forum meetings from a central point of the ward to a local park (on the outskirts of the ward) Thus disadvantaging those depending on (poor) local.public transport. Disadvantaging those without a car and with mobility issues as well as safety issues (walking through a park at night) Why, and why no consultation?
    This is contempt for local.people. Why?
    Answers please, Gary you should not be the person making excuses for the local labour party. Not your job.
