Friday, 8 March 2019


Dear Brian,

The future of Britain’s bees hangs in the balance. Over the last few decades, we’ve lost 97% of our wildflower meadows. [1] Our bees' food supply is starting to run out. And if they’ve got less food, there’ll be fewer bees to pollinate our crops - which means we’ll have less food too. [2]

But that's where you come in, Brian. If tens of thousands of us come together over the next few weeks to plant flowers to help the bees, they’ll have enough food to survive and thrive this spring. And new evidence shows that planting bee-friendly flowers in our gardens could be the key to saving our bees. [3]

Brian, will you sign up now to get your very own packet of seeds to plant this spring - and chip in for others to get a packet too if you can?

Seeds will be limited to one packet per person so as many people as possible can take part.

Don’t want to plant seeds yourself? Why not chip in to pay for someone else's packet so we can send out even more seeds to help our bees?

 It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a plant pot on a windowsill or a garden in the countryside, anyone can plant some seeds to help our bees.

Last year over 60,000 38 Degrees members, that’s people like you Brian, came together to sow seeds for our bees. And this year we can do even better, and fill our gardens with flower food to help our buzzy friends.

So Brian, will you give our bees a helping hand? The seeds will need to be planted in the next few weeks, so the more of us sign up now, the more flowers there’ll be(e).


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