Sunday, 17 March 2019

BREXIT – an anarchist guide

 by Christopher Draper

1 THE EU is a bad thing
  • Only Guardian readers regard the EU as a kindly club linking the lives of European citizens. In reality the EU is a profoundly undemocratic instrument of multinational corporations organised to overwhelm the defences of local communities against predation by untrammelled capitalism.
  • Like all advanced capitalist enterprises the EU offers an array of “incentives” to complicit politicians, lecturers, news agencies and other assorted pipers who play their tune.
  • It is not a federation as EU laws do not pass UPWARDS to Brussels from local or national assemblies but DOWN from Brussels to be rubber-stamped into UK law.
  • EU policies redeploy workers around Europe in service of a single multinational market with no concern to create or maintain sustainable local communities. Post-Communist Romanian industry and agriculture was considered “overmanned” by the EU so Romania was invited in and a third of its workforce lured abroad, driving down local wages elsewhere and leaving behind “lean” farms and factories as rich pickings for EU “investors”.
  • Politics shouldn’t be run by remote bodies and individuals living lives far removed from those they adversely affect. The EU is anathema to anyone who values localism. “EU Regional Policy” is a fig leaf, a distraction from the glaring effects of EU economics – cash galore for capitalist hubs like London, Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt etc and the transport links between – whilst most of our local economies and communities are devastated.

  • Parliament claims to represents the people. Anarchists believe Parliament is a mere distraction device, diverting fundamental opposition down harmless channels.
  • To contain increasing opposition to the EU, on 9th June 2015 Parliament voted by 544 to 53 to hold a National Referendum.
  • Government spent £9,300,000 publishing a glossy 16-page pro-EU propaganda booklet delivered to every household in the UK. This gave dire warnings against voting for Brexit; “Voting to leave the EU would create years of uncertainty and potential economic disruption. This would reduce investment and cost jobs. The Government judges it could result in 10 years or more of uncertainty…” (pg. 8).
  • The booklet advised voters, “The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision” (pg.16) and assured us, “This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide” (pg.14).
  • The referendum held on 23rd June 2016 offered a simple, stark alternative, either – “Remain a member of the European Union” ( ) or “Leave the European Union” ( )
  • Thirty-three and a half million people took part, the largest ever vote and more than double the usual turnout for UK Euro elections. Most voted “Leave the European Union” (16m stay, 17.5m leave).
  • On the 29th March 2017 Parliament voted by 498 to 114 to trigger “Article 50” and exit the EU by 29th March 2019. It was a dishonest act of utter hypocrisy.
  • MP’s are almost without exception wedded to the Corporate Capitalist system of which the EU is a cornerstone, a system rejected by voters yet most MP’s are determined to subvert the referendum result and continue business as usual.
  • It truly is the “Hotel California” syndrome. At best, Theresa May’s pitiful “Agreement” means we nominally check out but can never leave without the permission of the EU!

3 Fooling all the People all the Time?
  • Back in 1884 William Morris and his anarchist chums parted company with erstwhile comrades who insisted there really is a Parliamentary road to socialism. Morris and his newly founded Socialist League warned that Parliament offers nothing more than a career ladder for fake socialists and a smokescreen for the rich and powerful. Plus ca change.



  1. A bit of an oversimplification, to say the least.
    The EU is far from prefect, but what do you suggest, a retreat to imaginary nation states that never really existed? Along with every racist, anti-Semite and xenophobe out there, as well as tearing up the Good Friday Agreement?
    ‘Anarchism’ needs to be come a bit more sophisticated. The 21st century is not the 19th.

  2. BREXIT – Another Anarchist’s Guide
    By Green Swiper

    Anarchists come in all shapes and sizes. I for one salute Chris Draper for posting our alternative view.

    I agree with everything in his section one: “The EU is a bad thing”. That title is correct but Chris is pulling his punches. Free Movement just allows Big Business to use foreign-scab-labour. Those scabs drive down wages and push up prices. Anybody who objects gets called a racist. That’s a neat trick: good old capitalism! Send them all back: the dirty scabs. That’s what I say.

    I agree with everything in Chris’ section two: “BREXIT or BETRAYAL?”. The answer is BETRAYAL! A better title for this section might have been: “BREXIT or BULLSHIT?” Chris makes many pertinent points here. Theresa May has spent over two years dragging her feet. She has pretended to be incompetent while her state sponsored broadcaster, the BBC, has slavishly relayed her laid down message: “You idiot plebs have made a big mistake because you didn’t know what you were doing”. We should reply to this by sending the police around to number ten to arrest May for treason. We haven’t been able to hang traitors since the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 so we’ll have to settle for life imprisonment. Take her away.

    I suppose I agree with everything in Chris’ section three: “Fooling all the People all the Time?”. They don’t fool all the people. We know that all the main political parties, which sadly includes the Green Party led by Labour Party stooge Caroline Lucas, are in the conspiracy. They think that British people are as witless as sheep and that they will accept anything. It’s not true. British people just lack leadership. It’s a pity that the Green Party is unable to provide it.

    Anonymous said: “A bit of an oversimplification to say the least”. Anonymous then goes off on one and starts talking about “imaginary nation states” and racists. Anonymous, please could you be more patronizing, condescending and insulting? Your dismissive slap-down wasn’t offensive enough.

  3. "Free Movement just allows Big Business to use foreign-scab-labour. Those scabs drive down wages and push up prices. Anybody who objects gets called a racist."

    Foreign scab labour driving down wages and pushing up prices!!!

    What was that about people being called racists again?
