Wednesday, 23 January 2019

The Burnham and Lansman Roadshow hitsTameside!

The Andy Burnham roadshow, is in Ashton-under-Lyne tonight. The Mayor for Greater Manchester, will be speaking at the Clarendon College, on Camp Street, in the town centre - a five minute walk from Ashton bus station and a short walk from the train station. The ticket only event, begins at 7.00pm.

ritics of the Mayor, who was elected in May 2017 on a 28% turnout, say that he's not giving value for money and that he's a bit of a damp squib, for a 'Northern Powerhouse'. On being elected, Burnham, promised to eradicate rough sleeping on the streets of Manchester by 2020. Yet rough sleeping and homelessness, are still a major problem in Manchester, and seem to be increasing. He also promised to reform public transport, making bus fares cheaper and bus journey's more reliable and convenient. Yet, as critics point out, very little seems to have been done despite the Mayor being handed powers under the 'Bus Services Act'. 

While the Mayor, who says he believes in equality, has ruled out reinstating free bus passes for people aged 60, resident in Greater Manchester - which they were entitled to before 2010 - on the grounds of affordability, he has committed to giving healthy and strapping, 16 to 18- year olds, a free bus pass. Initially, he said that this would be self-financing funded by local education colleges, sponsorship and the bus companies themselves. But it was announced recently that council tax bills, across Greater Manchester, will be increased this April to re-organise the regions bus network and to pay for Burnham's promised free bus passes for 16 to 18-year olds. A proposed increase to the mayor's annual precept, a standalone part of council tax bills, ring-fenced for certain uses, would add £9 onto the average  annual Band D bill.

Jon Lansman

Tomorrow night, (Thursday 24 January 2019 @ 7.30) at 'The New Labour Club', Acres Lane, Stalybridge, the founder of 'Momentum', Jon Lansman, will speaking at a ticket only event. It is understood that Lansman has been invited to re-launch 'Momentum' in Tameside. Although  a close friend of Socialist Jeremy Corbyn, the Daily Express in 2017, disclosed that Capitalist Lansman, had a £500,000 investment in a  company called 'Ortonovo', which speculates on the property market and manages a portfolio of McDonald's restaurants. Ortonovo also runs Corbyn-supporting 'Left Futures'. The embarrassing revelations, emerged just weeks after Momentum launched a mass campaign against the "appalling working conditions" in the fast food giant. 

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