Thursday, 17 January 2019

The Aspiring Rotten Borough of Rochdale

by Mick Coats
THE rotten borough of Rochdale has brought the antics of the councillors of Musborough up to date, or rather back to the future.  At the recent meeting of our good councillors, the matter of the transgressions of one of their number was discussed, or rather not discussed.

Observing from the gallery, we expected the leader of the opposition to express severe criticism of the recently elected councillor for voting twice in the recent election.

However, he proceeded to take the transgressing councillor to task with all the vigour and effectiveness of a caterpillar eating a wet lettuce.  Going through the motions, he gave the impression of not wanting to be at the meeting, fearful of upsetting the class bully.

He was not alone acting in a lackluster way, all the councillors seemed to have been told to say nothing.  They obsequiously complied and behaved like good little boys and girls.  The guilty person himself said nothing, not even sorry for his criminal actions.

What a sorry lot of people, who do they represent; certainly not the electorate!


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