Friday, 9 November 2018

Cheerful Cherub by the Sea Side

  Merit Award for Tony Lloyd's Right Hand Man


by Brian Bamford


 Simon Danczuk with young Councillor Liam O'Rourke
LIAM O'Rourke, who works in the office of Tony Lloyd MP for Rochdale, and is the cheerful cherubic councillor responsible for resources in the Rochdale cabinet, may well have friends in high places, but so far as the Labour Party rank and file is concerned he hasn't covered himself with glory.

At a meeting of Rochdale council on  the 28th, February 2013, the then recently elected Councillor O'Rourke said:  ''The implementation of decisions to make redundancies were helped by our relationship to the trade unions' (see Northern Voices; Thursday, 28 Feb. 2013)

Councillor O'Rourke came back quickly on NV to clarify this with the comment:  'Far from selling their workers a bitter pill, the [h]ard work put in by the council and the unions meant that people left in a manner that was satisfactory for them.'

To which a local resident Tony Jones, from Back of the Moss in a comment on NV responded:  
'Haha - So this is where Councillor O'Rourke is hiding out.  Most people in my ward had thought you had dissapeared.  No sight of you in the Heywood Advertiser, no sight of you in town with the exception of going off to Lourdes.  Would be nice to get a leaflet now and again telling us what we actually voted for your for. You have been a very bitter dissapointment for many I know who voted for you. -' 

Things have not changed for Rochdale or Councillor O'Rourke since then!

Last Sunday, the website Zelo-Street reported: 
'...what should have been an enjoyable weekend for the Rochdale area contingent was marred by what happened at the Merit Award Dinner, held on Friday evening at the Blackpool Hilton Hotel with guest speakers Barry Gardiner, Lavery, and Rebecca Long Bailey.  

Someone must have pulled a fast one, because Zelo-Street adds:
'The problem was that one of those awards went to Liam O’Rourke, a Councillor who represents Heywood North.  Why should that be?  Ah well.  My sources tell me “All nominees have to be nominated by their own CLP, and it has to come through their CLP Secretary.  He was never nominated by his CLP, nor or did it come from his Secretary”.'

So who proposed Councillor O'Rourke for the merit award?

No-one will say apparently.

This seems to be the latest piece of shabby politics in Rochdale, because we at Northern Voices have seen papers showing evidence of increasing poor governance involving people in control of the Rochdale Labour Party.

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