Saturday, 6 October 2018

Claim that Burnley Council lacks serious intent!

ON the 4th, May 2018, the news reporter Ciaran Duggan wrote in The Lancashire Telegraph:
'THE Green Party has been elected onto Burnley Council for the first time in its 28 year history. Members described the election result as "momentous" and "historic" after Green Party candidate Andrew Fewings was named the councillor for Trinity ward.'
It was also reported that   'He (Green Party Councillor Fewings) received 789 votes, nearly 500 more than the second placed Labour candidate and outgoing mayor Howard Baker' 

Below Councillor Fewings writes an appeal following last month's Burnley Council meeting:
'I have been working hard since being elected in May 2018 to get Green issues on the Agenda.

'At my council meeting on Wednesday 26 September, I left feeling that the Labour run council are not taking Fuel Poverty or empty properties seriously. They suggested leaving housing "to the market".

'Please help me to get the council to take this issue seriously and introduce energy efficiency standards for new homes by sharing and signing my petition on the Burnley council website.

'Apologies to those Local Party members who live outside the borough. Perhaps you could start a petition in your own council?'

Best wishes,

Cllr Andy Fewings
Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Green Party

1 comment:

  1. What’s all this fuss about people having to choose between eating and heating? They’ve got it easy. Let ‘em freeze. That’s what I say. A bit of hypothermia and malnutrition never hurt anybody.

    A couple of years ago, I lasted two months without any money. I’d been sanctioned to teach me a lesson. Quite right. It was hot summer time and other people were wearing T-shirts, shorts and sandals. They hadn’t a care in the world. I was wearing a long woollen trench coat with the collar turned up and a woollen bonnet to keep me warm. I tried to avoid the cool shadows.

    My diet had been reduced to black tea and boiled rice, and that was rationed. Laavely! I’d lost two stones in weight by the time my next payment arrived. I was leaner and I actually looked better for it. Can’t be bad.

    I can joke about it now but millions of people in the U.K. are either enduring poverty or teetering on the brink of it. Poverty leads to penury and destitution. Careless budgeting does not cause it. It is caused by lack of money.

    Take a minute to sign this petition. Think of it as giving those smug ‘n’ snug councillors a taste of cold steel. They don’t like it up ‘em, you know?
