Thursday, 23 August 2018

Councillor Faisal 'Two Votes' Rana Rehabilitated?

by Brian Bamford

Councillor Rana's Agent Remembering a Postal Vote

ROCHDALE is a town that doesn't have a good name.  It's seen as a kind of dynasty of dirt.  In a letter in today's Rochdale Observer* a former leader of Rochdale Council, Colin Lambert writes:
'Here we go again,  Rochdale Council have another leader putting the reputation of the entire borough on the front page.... So what we do we have now, a disposed leader suspended by the Labour Party at a national level and being investigated by the Metropolitan Police..
'A current leader found to have brought the council and his position into disrepute. One Labour area which elected a Labour councillor in May, being investigated for election fraud.'

Mr Lambert in the same letter calls on the national Labour Party 'to intervene and suspend the Rochdale Borough Labour Group', and fearing that may not suffice he says 'It is time for the Government to send in the inspectors and run the council.'

Just above Mr Lambert's letter is another letter in rhe Rochdale Ob. bearing the Monika of none other than Councillor Faisal 'Two Votes' Rana, the councillor mentioned by him in his letter, who only last week admitted to election fraud by breaching the Representation of the People Act 1983'

The same letter appeared on ROCHDALE ONLINE  minus Councillor 'Two Votes' Rana on the 16th, August.  The letter itself is signed by five local councillors including the discredited Rana himself; a local green campaigner;  the Vicar of Rochdale, the Reverend  Coleman, and it calls for 'unity' declaring the 'racists will not win'.

Councillor 'Two Votes' Rana has distinguished himself in this respect, in so far as while living among the Great and the Good up Norden in his minor mansion on Bronte Close, he has delicated himself to housing poor whites among the working-class in his vast portfollio of many rented properties in down-town Falinge and elsewhere in central Rochdale.
*  The same letter from Colin Lambert appeared on Rochdale Online on the 10 August:

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