Monday, 12 March 2018

Mark Birkett on Debbie Abrams & himself

MARK Birkett is a disgruntled member of the Rochdale Labour Party, who when the disgraced Rochdale M.P. Simon Danczuk was being shown the door put himself forward as a candidate for the job.  At that time Labour old timer and one-time Manchester police commissioner, Tony Lloyd, had just lost his fight to become Mayor of Manchester to Andy Burnham.  Perhaps predictably Tony Lloyd was parachuted into the safe seat of Rochdale, and the local aspiring lads like Mr. Birkett et al. didn't get a look in.

At the time he was being deselected, Simon Danczuk claimed that Tony Lloyd was after using the House of Commons as a retirement home.  Mr. Lloyd claimed on th eve of the election that he was 'a serious candidate'!

Today Mr. Birkett, commenting on the case of Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, declared:  'I know exactly what Debbie Abrahams is talking about' !  Ms. Abrams claims she had 'been treated in a "bullying, aggressive, intimidating and wholly unprofessional manner by certain individuals in your office".'

Birkett says 'as someone facing suspension from the Labour Party, on a wholly spurious claim that I have undertaken actions supposedly "grossly detrimental" to the party's interests' in his letter today he tells Mr. Jeremy Corbyn that he too has 'been treated abominably by many individuals in your office too'.

Meanwhile, Ms Abrahams told the BBC:: 
'My treatment in the last week has shown a bullying culture of the worst kind,' she said. 'As such I am making a formal complaint to both the Labour party and parliamentary authorities.'

Mrs Abrahams became the MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth in 2010.  She was promoted to the shadow cabinet after last year's general election.

 Is bullying becoming a bit of a bandwagon?

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