Saturday, 3 February 2018

Mr Evan Pritchard's Yellow Brick Road Approach

      Britain's Yellow Brick Road to Socialism

FOR a more detailed look at the CPB {Communist Party of Britain), it's history, theory and policies, please take a look at the official party programme, "Britain's (Yellow) Brick Road to Socialism".  Evan Pritchard the loyal party member that he is, has written the curiously brave comment below on the post entitled  'Tameside, the costs add up as receivers move in' about the local scandal involving Carillion 'aggresive accounting', and Tameside MBC, dated Sunday, 28 January 2018.

Evan [Pritchard} said...
Your reference to Kieran Quinn shows what a bunch of lowlifes you really are.
Beneath contempt.
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 at 14:51:00 GMT 
EVAN Pritchard is a brave and honourable man, as Mark Antony said of Brutus in Shakespeare's play.  Evan is not only the President of the Manchester Unite Community Branch, but he distributes the Communist Party newspaper the Morning Star.  Both noble tasks require the mobilisation of all his consummate skills and abilities.

Both tasks are a thankless jobs!
We should all admire those who seek to promote unpopular causes, even where we disagree with the sentiments as in this case.  Nay, we ought to especially admire Evan Pritchard, when he is bold enough to protest about the 'lowlifes' on Northern Voices and by extension at Tameside TUC, when they have the audacity to challenge Kieran Quinn, the recently dead leader of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council; who also happened to be the Chair of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund and a position of  Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Like Brutus in Shakespeare's play, the local Labour Party's noble Kieran Quinn, has been praised by all and sundry. special  praise came from the Tameside Chief Executive, Steven Pleasant, who said that 'The book of condolences [for Kieran] includes the signatures of a former Prime Minister, an Olympic gold medallist and members of the local pigeon-fancying club.'
High praise indeed truly he was one of the Great and the Good!
Yet, the man from the Morning Star, Evan Pritchard, has heroically gone and belittled those of us who are critically challenging the odd partnership of Tamside MBC and Kieran Quinn, who had been tenaciously promoting Carillion with its 'aggressive accounting' techniques and even turned a blind eye to the blacklisting of local electricians like Steve Acheson, who lives in Denton.

Mr. Pritchard's comment makes an eloquent defence of the dead Tameside Councillor Quinn's right to be left alone, despite his very cosy relationship with the blacklising company Carillion.   Would Evan have been as keen to support Ian Kerr who dropped dead in similar circumstances, yet before he left this world he admitted to keeping an illegal data base with over 3,000 names on it?  What about Joe Stalin?  I've just seen the black comedy film 'The Death of Stalin', who died of a sudden stroke, would it have been wrong of us to criticise his crimes out of some kind of sensitive to his daughter's feeling?

None of this is intended to compare Evan Pitchard to Stalin.  Evan Pritchard does have Stalin's strong stomach or sense of humour.   No what is implied by Evan Pitchard's comment is that he is prepared to overlook or keep quiet about Kieran Quinn's partnership with Carillion, and that objectively suggests he approves of the PFI deals done, the partnerships created by Tameside Council, and by extension employment practises like the blacklist which the company was engaged in.  In the current climate that is a brave position for someone in the trade union movement to embrace.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Bammy----I wonder why people like Evan Pritchard (non practising solicitor) are allowed to roam around our trade unions with their malevolent intentions. Your description of him as the president of Manchester community branch is quite funny and about as kosher as his position as branch chairman. He has not been through the constitutional processes necessary to position himself as either.
