Monday, 4 December 2017


by Chris Draper
ANOTHER Bookfair, another outrage!  On Saturday 2nd December 2017 two gentlemen calling themselves, “Veg” and “Under the Pavement”, assisted by assorted other subterranean botanicals physically assaulted and ejected two anarchist comrades from the “Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair”.

As bystanders witnessed, the pair had done nothing to disrupt proceedings yet were set upon without rhyme nor reason.

Another Isolated Incident?
Anarchism is viewed as an essentially violent, destructive and irrational pursuit by most normal people in Britain and the organisers of this “Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair” (2.12.17) are evidently the latest self-proclaimed “Anarchists” to add substance to this popular prejudice.

Bookfairs in London, Bristol and Manchester, Liverpool’s Casa Club and London’s Angel Alley have all witnessed violent attacks on comrades in recent years and almost every anarchist website is littered with foul personal abuse.

Generally, perpetrators hide behind anonymity or pseudonyms such as, “Battle Scarred” or “Under-the-Pavement”, pseudo-identities that reinforce perception of anarchists as juvenile, aggressive phantasists.  Anonymity encourages irresponsibility and fuels fake courage. In the 1960’s anarchists were popularly perceived as tolerant, morally courageous, peace-loving individuals, now sociopaths are to the fore and good comrades have allowed themselves to be pushed aside.

Another Brick from the Wall
I live in rural Wales, but apparently I’m banned from both FREEDOM (ironic) BOOKSHOP and “Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair” because both cliques dislike my opinions and that’s the crux of the current malaise.  When the Soviet Empire collapsed it torpedoed the popular appeal of Marxist politics and many youngsters who would formerly have drifted into some variety of Trot organisation instead attached themselves to Anarchism as it appeared untainted as well as sexier and more street cred.  Down the line we’ve ended up with the lunatics running the asylum.  The wall might have been torn down but these faux anarchists are reusing the bricks as brickbats.

I don’t propose an inquisition, banning, censorship or blacklisting (all currently in operation in Angel Alley) I merely appeal to decent anarchists to kick open the closet and speak out.  When you have to be positively vetted before you can join the so-called “Anarchist Federation” and to register and accept the party-line before you can post on “Lib-Com” or “Freedom” it’s clear that free-speech, tolerance and fellowship have given way to narrowing ideology and party-building.  Our clothes have been stolen by the intemperate and intolerant.  By people who refuse open debate.

Prior to the Manchester debacle Messrs “Pavement & Veg” received formal applications from one anarchist (not myself) to host a workshop on “Toleration in the Anarchist Movement” and another from Tameside Trades Council offering a workshop on “The Blacklist Campaign” (with the prospect of Ricky Tomlinson, one of the blacklisted Shrewsbury Pickets taking part).  Neither offer was taken up, no excuse was provided.

Northern Voices remains a rare outpost of tolerant, outspoken anarchist opinion that positively relishes a frank exchange of views but the bigots keep quiet and prefer to operate in the shadows.  I challenge “Veg & Co” to come forward and explain themselves and maybe even have the courage to do so in their own names but I suspect I’m more likely to get an answer from a carrot in my fridge. 


1 comment:

  1. "The truth is an offense but not a sin!
    Is he who laugh last, children!
    Is he who win
    Is a foolish dog bark at a flying bird!"

    This article reflects my experience of the anarchist movement in Britain today: holier than thou and exclusivist. I think we all need to be done with historic labels such as "anarchism" and deal solely with the proletarian revolution going on under our nose.
