Editorial introduction: Northern Voices has been aware of an incident that occurred at the London Anarchist Bookfair last Saturday. Last Tuesday, I contacted a bookfair organiser to ask for an official statement as to what happened. The reply we received was:
Northern Voices is still awaiting an official statement from the bookfair organisers, but in the meantime there have been accounts of what happened on various websites including mumsnet; past tense; libcom to mention but a few. The Anarchist Federation has issued a statement and some of their AF sub-groups in Edinburgh, Liverpool and South Wales have been trying to put pressure on the bookfair organisers to specifically legislate against certain people they disagree with. Below we publish a statement from Helen Steel, a well-known campaigner against injustice, police spies and a core supporter of the Blacklist Support Group.
I was in the process of writing a longer article around the events at
the Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday, but I am also trying to stay on top
of the rest of my life while dealing with the horrendous bullying of
people around me which is underway by some trans activists and allies. I
have been traumatised by my experiences on Saturday and by events
since, resulting in a lack of sleep and inability to concentrate. I
wanted to complete the longer article, but as lies are being circulated
by those who attacked me, I feel I have to put out a shorter statement
'The Bookfair collective are trying to find a time we can all meet to debrief,
discuss and talk about putting out a statement. We hope this will be soon but can’t say anything further at this time.'
Northern Voices is still awaiting an official statement from the bookfair organisers, but in the meantime there have been accounts of what happened on various websites including mumsnet; past tense; libcom to mention but a few. The Anarchist Federation has issued a statement and some of their AF sub-groups in Edinburgh, Liverpool and South Wales have been trying to put pressure on the bookfair organisers to specifically legislate against certain people they disagree with. Below we publish a statement from Helen Steel, a well-known campaigner against injustice, police spies and a core supporter of the Blacklist Support Group.
While we haven't formed a view with regard to the plan by the Tories to 'amend the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) to
include Gender Identity as a protected characteristic in law' (see reference in bullet point [1] below), we are deeply concerned about the methods used by some groups to stifle debate. Because of this we are publishing the statement issued last night by Helen Steel, with a link to her full statement.
Our concern doesn't just relate to this one case. Indeed not, it relates to a series of attacks on individuals going back a number of years. This started with censorship in publications like Freedom and the banning of certain groups and individuals at anarchist bookfairs in Manchester, and has now ended up with physical attacks on Helen Steel and others at the famous London Bookfair. The London Bookfair organisers must now consider what they must do to resolve these problems which have become institutionalised in the anarchist community, and we up here in the North don't envy them in this task.
When I refer to trans activists in this statement I mean people who are activists on trans issues, I do not mean that all of them were trans, nor that they represent the views of all trans identifying people. For those who don’t know what TERF means, it is an acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, but whatever its origins it is currently used as a term of abuse to dehumanise women and so excuse violence and bullying against them.
I thank everyone who is taking a stand against bullying and I urge more people to stand in solidarity too. Those trans activists and allies who are carrying out the bullying can be defeated by growing numbers of people resisting that bullying. This will facilitate a proper space for the concerns of women and trans identifying people to be discussed.
Short statement on the facts:
- The Tories are planning to amend the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) to include Gender Identity as a protected characteristic in law. This does affect women and as such, women have a right to express their views on this issue.
- I am aware of three leaflets which were distributed at the Bookfair. I did not actually write or distribute any of them, but I supported other women’s rights to distribute them.
Why is this an issue that only affects women? Why would anyone write ‘This will facilitate a proper space for the concerns of women and trans identifying people to be discussed’? Don’t we need a ‘proper space’ where everyone’s concerns can be discussed?
ReplyDeleteIf you follow the embedded link to the ‘TERF’ page you will find a page listing tweets which incite killing of others and suggest ways of doing it. The police in Greater Manchester ask people to report hate crimes and I assume that other forces do the same. There are even posters bus stations. Why are the people making these tweets being allowed to get away with it? This is hate speech. If it were terrorists, Islamic, Neo-fascist or any other brand, who were doing this some action would have been taken to halt it.
Totalitarianism isn’t just something that Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini did a long time ago. The mentality which leads to it is alive and well and living in the UK as is exemplified by these tweets.
Helen says its ok. Preferable to include access to her full statement
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of NV I have spoken to the organisers of the Anarchist Bookfair, her colleague in the McDonald tussle & the Blacklist Support Group with which Helen Steel is involved. I believe that they are all giving her their support. It would seem that she deserves support.
ReplyDeleteKiri Tunks, who is an activist in the NUT, has called for comradely discussion in the gender politics row. Lasr night Tameside TUC questioned the attacks on Helen Steel, not so much because we the love the feminists but because we believe in free debate.