Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Appeal Verdict on Stefan Cholewka

Editor:  We publish the decision of the Rochdlae Labour Party Appeal Panel without comment:
Stefan Cholewka: 
Appeal Verdict: The panel has decided to uphold the original LCF decision.  Monday 2nd October 2017. 
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for attending your appeal hearing this evening. We would like to apologise to the delayed start to your interview.
We understand your concerns regarding your original interview panel. The appeal team is made up of members from outside the borough to make sure you receive a fair hearing. You were offered opportunities by the panel to dispute the points made against you, which they feel you failed to do. They felt that while you expressed many of your activities through the numerous organisations you are involved in, there was not enough about the labour party activity.
They also had strong concerns regarding how you dealt with the original panel decision, especially in regards to the social media post. They feel this shone a negative light on the party and showed a disregard for the process and did not allow it to take its proper course. The panel has decided to uphold the original LCF decision.

1 comment:

  1. Every member I know, knows this is a total stitch up. Stefan has stood in numerous wards in Rochdale without any problem. Lots of members are very unhappy.
