Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Dorothy abandons ship and joins a sinking ship!

Dorothy Cartwright - Would-be Tameside Hospital Governor

Dorothy Cartwright, has come a long way politically. The former Tameside conservative councillor for Stalybridge and Dukinfield, defected to Labour in December 2010. At the time, she said: "Back-biting" within the group, had driven her to change parties after "a lot of soul searching."

Councillor John Bell, Conservative Leader, said: "She was due to face the group on a disciplinary matter. Quite frankly, the Labour Party is welcome to her. I believe she jumped before she was pushed. It's nothing to do with the coalition government - it's personal between the group and her." Councillor Cartwright denied knowledge of any disciplinary action.

We understand that Cartwright had a rather unhappy time as a member of  Tameside's incestuous labour family, where almost one-third of the council is comprised of married couples, couples, or people related to one another. Affectionately known by some of her Labour colleagues, as "that Tory bitch",  Cartwright was effectively pushed aside to make way, for spunky lass, Claire Reynolds, wife of  Jonny Reynolds, the Member of Parliament for Stalybridge and Hyde. Thereafter, she was regularly selected by Labour to fight for Stalybridge South Ward, a Tory stronghold of many years standing and an unwinnable seat.

Having once jumped ship, Cartwright has now deserted Labour to join the sinking ship known as UKIP, a Thatcherite, right-wing, bigoted,  nationalist party, that many are leaving because it is seen as past its sell-by date and is currently engaged in a civil war.  Last November, Cartwright was seen to lay a UKIP wreath on Remembrance Day, at the cenotaph in Stalybridge. An abject political failure, Cartwright, has now turned her attention to becoming a Governor of Tameside Hospital. It seems that nobody has told Dorothy, a relatively new 'kipper', that UKIP are actually in favour of privatising the NHS. Nor does the party think much of political correctness, equality or diversity.

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