Friday, 24 February 2017

Looking for a lucrative story!

 'anything can happen in politics!!'
ASPIRING politician, Karen Danczuk, has just Tweeted:
'Since trial I've had 5 attacks on car (slashed tyres,diesel,nails,paintwork) I'm sure its coincidence but remember, I travel with 2 boysKD'
As a consequence The Sun has reported today:  
'Last year she bravely waived her right to anonymity to talk about being raped by her brother between the ages of nine and 11 to encourage other survivors of sexual abuse to speak out.
Burke, 38, was jailed in December after being convicted of eight counts of rape and one other serious sexual offence against Ms Danczuk and two other women following a trial.'
All this will help her to continue to create an image of an heroic public figure, and to counter those malcontents who have merely sought to present the lively lass as a trollop and a tart.
Everyone who has sat in the council chamber at Rochdale Town Hall while she was a councillor for Kingsway Ward, will have seen how fine a figure she cuts working-her-fingers-to-the-bone on her Twitter Account, while at the same time dealing with council business.
Talk about multi-tasking!
There's few better!
You never know Karen!
With the Labour Party in such a present state of disorientation, and now seems to be utterly frightened to death of even expelling her disorderly ex-husband Simon Danczuk for bringing the party in to disrepute.
It's just possible given the crazy world we live in that the party may even end up expelling Jeremy Corbyn and crowning Mr. Danczuk as its new leader.  In such circumstances Karen may get her wish to be an Honarable Member for somewhere or other.  In a Tweet today she says:  
'anything can happen in politics!!' .
14h14 hours ago
Never thought I'd be waking up to see Labour hold 😳😳 Just shows, anything can happen in politics!! KD

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