by Martin S. Gilbert
REPORTS of different forms of action around the world give
ideas about replicating them at home.
Also, they can
remind us about fairly similar action in our own areas.
'Rev Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping'
(Peace News October-November, pp 9 – 11)
gives an example of well planned, effective NVDA (non-violent direct action). In the late 1990s during the year-long
Tameside Care Workers dispute*, at Ashton-Under-Lyne in Greater
Manchester we performed a non violent 'invasion'. Tameside Care Group were
forcing new contracts: a second pay cut, reduced service conditions and no sick
pay**. A local solicitor who had financial
interests in those care homes was refusing to negotiate with the union. Also,
that gentleman was showing interest in child fostering businesses.
Supporters of Earth first and Northern Anarchist Network
assembled close to that solicitors office.
On my own, dressed in business suit and with a shiny brief
case I told the receptionist about my 'appointment'. She
looked at various papers for a record of such meeting. While thus distracted,
it was enough time for our non-violent invaders to swarm over the
building. They emptied filing cabinets
and tossed stuff out of windows before leaving as quickly as they came.
It raised moral among the strikers and made the solicitor
negotiate with them. Sadly this strike,
the longest ever in that area failed to win it’s objectives.
Some readers will be critical of the above account claiming
it was dishonest of me to put on a
business suit to confuse the receptionist.
Others might claim that we all should have stayed to get arrested and
should not have destroyed any office records.
But those records were 'caring'
for the 1%. Also, there is the idea that always getting
arrested at actions is 'putting oneself on the
sacrificial plate of the state'.
On balance I think that Rev Billy would have
* A report in the journal 'Caring Times' (1999): 'About
150 people took to the streets between Stalybridge and Ashton-Under-Lyme in
Greater Manchester on Saturday, 27 March (1999) to mark the first anniversary
of the dismissal of some 200 care workers by the Tameside Care Group.
Accompanied by supporters, children and a police escort, the sacked care
workers were calling attention to the year long dispute which is scheduled for
a 10-day industrial tribunal hearing in Manchester beginning on 1st June. The
Tameside Care Group took over the operation of residential care homes from
Tameside Council in 1990. In January last year (1998), close to 200 care
workers at 12 residential homes in Tameside were served with termination
notices after they refused to sign new contracts. The contracts involved
acceptance of a pay cut (the second since the Tameside group had assumed
control of the homes), reduced conditions of service and having the company
sick pay scheme abolished. The workers then balloted for official strike action
and were subsequently dismissed. '
** In April 1999, UNISON North West Region published a report which outlined the impact on staff:
'Throughout the history of the Trust and its subsidiary company financial savings have meant reductions in staff costs, with all the decreases falling on already low paid and undervalued staff. The staff working for Tameside Care Group have been poorly treated for nearly a decade and any improvements in the condition of the homes have been at the direct expense of care workers and domiciliary staff, most of whom are low-paid women workers. 200 staff went on strike in March 1998 and were sacked by the company. A year later the dispute is unresolved; an Industrial Tribunal set for June has already cost the company large sums in terms of legal fees, employment of agency staff and disruption to the service.'
** In April 1999, UNISON North West Region published a report which outlined the impact on staff:
'Throughout the history of the Trust and its subsidiary company financial savings have meant reductions in staff costs, with all the decreases falling on already low paid and undervalued staff. The staff working for Tameside Care Group have been poorly treated for nearly a decade and any improvements in the condition of the homes have been at the direct expense of care workers and domiciliary staff, most of whom are low-paid women workers. 200 staff went on strike in March 1998 and were sacked by the company. A year later the dispute is unresolved; an Industrial Tribunal set for June has already cost the company large sums in terms of legal fees, employment of agency staff and disruption to the service.'
Rachel Carter on the October 3, 2014 published an article in 'COMMUNITY CARE' titled:
ReplyDelete'Ombudsman criticises council for ‘forcing’ resident to pay unlawful care home top-up' but she added: 'But Tameside council has strongly disputed the findings and denies that it failed to act in accordance with the law '