Monday, 19 December 2016

Trade Unionist Martin Larkham Dies

Dear Brothers & Sisters
I have been contacted by Martin Larkham’s son in the last few minutes. He has informed me that Martin died over the weekend.
As we all know he was suffering from throat cancer and had only been given 12 months to live. 
He was with us for nearly 2 years and continued to attend Rochdale TUC meetings and  GMATUCs as a delegate and vice chair.
His son will contact be with information concerning the funeral arrangements
 Stefan Cholewka
GMATUC secretary


  1. I am Martin's nephew. A minor correction to this story is that Martin does not have a son. I suspect the news came from one of his brothers. Best wishes to all

  2. Thank you for that! Sorry we published the e-mail from Stefan the secretary of the Greater Manchester County Association of TUCs. Sorry also about our delay in publishing this correction.
