Thursday 8 December 2016

The Danczuk's on the 'Street of Shame'!

THE current issue of Private Eye (No. 1433), pondering the possible lavish historic payments from the Sun newspaper for stories and photos over the last few years relating to the MP for Rochdale and his ex-wife Karen Danczuk, discusses Ms. Danczuk's almost indecent haste to waive her 'anonymity' following the verdict against her brother for rape:
'It was, perhaps, grimly inevitable that Karen Danczuk, ex-wife of Simon Danczuk, should have "waived her right to anonymity" to reveal in the Sun that she was one of the child victims of rapist Michael Burke, her own brother.'
The Eye story filled almost a column of its feature page 'STrEeT Of ShaMe' and listed the nice little earners that the Danczuks had coiled in the past from media outlets. 
With respect to the current exclusive coverage in The Sun the Eye says:
'Precisely what financial arrangement Karen Danczuk has with either the [photo] agency or the paper we do not know (when she divorced her MP husband last year she also stepped down as a director of Danczuk Media Ltd, the company the couple had set up "to assist in the production of media articles").'

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