Monday 5 December 2016

Crossrail Dispute

Financial Appeal
Terry Wilson was elected as shop steward 6 weeks ago at  the Tottenham Court road site his employer Laing O'Rourke refused to recognise Terry as the steward they have also denied access to any union officials on their sites for months now and are a well known blacklisting firm , there industrial relations officer is Brian Boyd ex aeeu official. The day after attending a demo over 2nd tier payments Terry  was told he was being transferred to another site which is not part of the crossrail project . The Lor workers cabined up over the dodgy transfer for 2 days last week , and walked off site last Friday.Today at a picket off the site the workers voted to continue the strike and have said they will not return until Terry is allowed to return to the Tottenham Court road site. We cannot allow Lor to get away with their union busting tactics any longer
Please donate to the strike fund
Account name:Unite London Construction LE/0555 Branch
Account number :20276649
Sort Code :608301
Cheques payable to Unite the Union. Send to Peter Kavanagh marked Crossrail dispute Tottenham Court rd
Unite the Union 33-37 Moreland Street London EC1V 8BB
Many thanks in Solidarity National Construction Rank and File

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