Saturday, 3 December 2016

Blacklist Round-up

1. Spycops

2. Crossrail hit by action over pay and bosses victimization of UNITE steward
Defend Terry Wilson - victimized UNITE steward
6:30am Monday 5th December
Tottenham Court Rd Crossrail site

3. Laing O'Rourke
Early Day Motion
Motion S5M-02472: Colin Smyth, South Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 11/11/2016
Denial of Union Access by Laing O'Rourke 
That the Parliament notes the recent demonstration by the construction workers’ union, UCATT, at the site of the new £212 million Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary in response to the reports that the principal contractor, Laing O’Rourke, has refused the union access; believes that this company has previously prevented union access from other publicly-funded infrastructure projects; understands that it was a member of the Consulting Association, which was reportedly involved in the blacklisting of construction workers; believes that the Scottish Government expects companies that are awarded public contracts to maintain high standards of business and professional conduct; considers that this type of activity by a contractor toward trade unions undermines the remedial steps called for in the government's procurement note on blacklisting, does not support the aspirations of the Fair Work Convention to promote a fair and balanced economy and undermines workers’ rights and increases exploitation, and supports the freedom of trade unions to organise and represent workers across the economy.
4. US blacklist of leftwing academics

5. Thank you to Salford TUC, SNP Trade Union Group, PCS Independent Left, Unite Liverpool construction branch for invites in the past few weeks.  Thank you John Bryan and Steve Acheson for representing.

Steve Acheson speaking at Salford TUC:
"I was blacklisted after a safety dispute at Pfizers in Kent. I was repeatedly sacked from jobs time and again. I appeared in the Royal Courts of Justice over terrorism. The High Court was not a full victory that blacklisted workers deserved. I will be relentless until we get justice".
6. Shrewsbury Pickets
Shrewsbury Pickets have engaged Mike Mansfield QC who has submitted papers to the Court of Appeal against the continued refusal to release the official government papers for the Shrewsbury trial.

7. Ongoing:
Durham TAs

Construction Rank & File - national meeting

Sat 10th December - Newcastle 

London Hazards AGM
Tues 13th December

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