Saturday, 19 November 2016

Harvey Proctor's reply to Hogan-Howe

ON the 8 November 2016 at 15:31 Mr. K Harvey Proctor issued the statement below to several media outlets including Northern Voices.  The content clearly lays out the difficulties he and other have had to face owing to certain practices adopted by the Metropolitan Police Service in their investigation entitled Operation Midland.  Mr. Proctor, it seems, attaches some blame to the former Home Secretary, Theresa May, who said 'VIP abuse was the tip of the iceberg', and also to the 'MPs [who] used parliamentary privilege to stir the pot including Tom Watson and Zac Goldsmith [and] who refused to apologise'.
'Today, without prejudice, I accepted an unreserved apology from Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, the MPS Commissioner, in respect of Operation Midland. However, I have informed him the detrimental impact of the investigation on the life of my family, friends and myself was irreversible
'This apology does not detract from the adverse effect and hurt of Operation Midland on my life and me personally. I hope the police in such cases in future will always test the credibility of a complainant before someone is thrust into the public limelight.
'I believe that the police should not be making statements such as they believe the complainant is "Credible and True" whilst the investigation is ongoing.
'My efforts in challenging the Metropolitan Police Service from the beginning over 18 months ago have not been for selfish reasons but in the hope that anybody now and in the future can be spared the trauma that I have experienced . I regret that it has taken someone in a high profile position, albeit unwanted, to make an impact, but it is a moral victory for ALL potential defendants from all walks of life. I am proud of the little role I have played.

'I hope the police will learn from this so the glaring mistakes identified from Operation Midland will not be repeated.

'I have always had huge respect for the policing of our country, and admiration for the work police officers do. This is undiminished.

'I hope the Home Office will look at these matters carefully and bring forward proposals to amend the current system where a complainant, even a fantasist and liar, can be given life long anonymity and financially benefit  while the alleged suspect is routinely fingered and named by the police and in my case left destitute.

'The former Home Secretary said VIP abuse was the tip of the iceberg, it has proved to be the tip of an ice cube. She too should consider apologising for her crass remark at a very difficult time in my life.

'There was no Westminster Paedophile ring.

'MPs used parliamentary privilege to stir the pot including Tom Watson and Zac Goldsmith who refused to apologise. I was surprised Mr Speaker failed to act.

'A now defunct news agency Exaro used the police "credible and true" label as cover to defame me and others with impunity.

'In conclusion,

'Lessons must be learnt to the advantage of the innocent and the "genuine" victims of historical child sexual abuse.

'I am grateful to my family, friends and colleagues without whom I would have been incapable of  dealing with this truly kafa-esque experience.'
K Harvey Proctor Date: 8 November 2016 at 15:31

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