Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Right Honourable Member, Simon Danczuk MP

THE ROCHDALE website of the Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk, still proclaims the following:
'Simon has keen interests, which are shaped both by his own life experience and by the social research he has done over many years. These include alleviating poverty, getting more young people into gainful employment, tackling antisocial behaviour and supporting the development of small businesses. In addition Simon sits on the Communities and Local Government Select Committee and has a strong interest in local government and the devolution of power to local communities.
Simon has won recognition for his campaigning on the issue of child sexual abuse. He has been instrumental in changing attitudes towards child abuse by making it a mainstream topic of political debate. Simon’s has called for more Government action in the wake of the Rochdale and Rotherham grooming scandals and his campaign on the Westminster scandal has led to a major Government enquiry. Simon was named the Political Campaigner of the Year in 2014 for his work on this issue.'
LAST NIGHT, The Sun's website reported:
'SEX-mad Labour MP Simon Danczuk was urged to quit yesterday after The Sun revealed he had sex with a 22-year-old woman on his office desk.
Paul Rowen, Danczuk’s predecessor as Rochdale MP, said: “What can he do next that will bring the town into disrepute?
“The sooner he goes the better.
“Over the last two years he’s dragged Rochdale’s name through the mud.
“People are sick and tired of his escapades.”
Ex-Lib Dem councillor Liz Thirsk said Danczuk should step down.
She said: “Sometimes it is hard to imagine we are talking about an MP.
“It’s the behaviour of a sex-obsessed teenage idiot".'
The Sun told yesterday how Danczuk, 49, sent 6,000 messages, many sleazy, to the 22-year-old, who we are calling Alice.
He also spanked her and they had sex on the desk in his constituency office, paid for by taxpayers.
We had previously exposed dad-of-four Danczuk for sexting a girl of 17.
His texts to his latest conquest bizarrely interspersed details of his favourite fantasies with advice on local locksmiths and skip hire firms.
During one X-rated exchange, Alice asked: “Do you know any locksmiths in the Rochdale area?”
Danczuk replied: “Yes, Lancashire Locks on Oldham Rd.
“Use them all the time.”
She also asked the MP to recommend a skip hire company.
He replied: “Try Dicksons.
“But don’t over fill it like I did, and got charged more.”
When Alice asked him to tweet more skip information, he replied: “I’m not doing some random f****** tweet.
“About a skip.
“Supposing I tweeted it, then someone offers me one for free.
“It’ll end up in some skip ­scandal.
“Skipgate or something.
“So I get a free skip and lend it someone else?
“The Sun would be all over like a rash.”

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