Saturday, 13 August 2016

Danczuk's Office Denies Photo Scam!

A denial was issued by the office of the suspended Rochdale MP, Simon Danczuk, in a letter  in tomorrow's Rochdale Observer to charges in a letter last week that Mr. Danczuk 'received ... payments'  from The Sun newspaper for 'photographs relating to his (Mr. Danczuk's) private life'.  The letter in the Ob. from MR. Danczuk's office warned the local Liberal Democrat leader, Andy Kelly, 'to think more carefully in future before making such unfounded allegations'
The letter goes on further to say:
'It is categorically untrue to suggest that Mr. Danczuk profited from photographs taken of him entering Rossendale police station in January this year.  To suggest that Mr. Danczuk arranged for these photos to be taken is both fanciful and utterly irresponsible.'
The Danczuk Rochdale office team, in their letter, furthermore chide Andy Kelly, and the Rochdale Liberal Democrats declaring in a suitably righteous tone:
'Mr. Danczuk has a right to a private life and finds it regrettable that the tabloid press saw fit to run an article that was in no way in the public interest.  It is even more regrettable that the Rochdale Lib Dems have sought to exploit this story for cheap political points rather than engaging in serious debate about our town.'
Now then!  Where did I read this kind of talk before?  Wasn't in Cyril Smith's autobiography 'BIG CYRIL', where he wrote, pondering the plight of Jeremy Thorpe, that all politicians 'have skeltons in the cupboard'?

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