Thursday, 14 July 2016

Blacklist Update

1. Neil Findlay MSP names Gayle Burton from Costain in Scottish parliament as key link between the police and the blacklist.
This is a big breakthrough but amazingly none of the media have picked it up. 

2. Corbyn and McDonnell stood with blacklisted workers in our time of need. Now they are under attack, the Blacklist Support Group stand with them.

3. Blacklist Support Group to host a major employment rights conference at University of Greenwich on 16-17 September 
Blacklisting, Bullying, Whistleblowing & Police Surveillance 
Everyone welcome - to register for the conference contact:
Please note: within the 2 days, a stand alone session will be set aside for the BSG AGM. 

4.Current victimisation of union reps
BSG Solidarity with the Wood Street cleaners - blacklisted workers and Art Against Racism supported a group of cleaners based at Wood Street in the City of London after they were sacked for joining a trade union and asking for the London Living Wage. This dispute has the potential to turn into this generation's Grunwick - please support the strikers 

Gingsters pasty's sack Baker's union activist

London Met UCU branch sec & chair both dismissed

5. BSG out and about:
Durham Miners Gala with Stewart Emms speaking at the historic NUM Rednalls offices 
Speakers Forum & Art Against Blacklisting in the Shangri-La area of Glastonbury

7. Art
Glasgow School of Art award rebuild contract to Kier
Lucy Parker's film: Blacklist - being made with support of the BSG now has its own website: 
If your union branch is looking for a speaker - think of inviting Lucy (or just making a donation)

8. UNITE Policy Conference
Unite conference was held in Brighton this week and passed a unanimous resolution on blacklisting moved by Dave Walsh and seconded by Tony Seaman. 
Jeremy Corbyn got a huge ovation when he talked about courageous blacklisted construction workers struggle for justice. Blacklisted for trying to improve dignity for workers improving safety and conditions.

9. Strike news
Offshore workers vote 99% in favour of industrial action - stick that up your TU Bill ballot threshold
Employers prepare by hiring 'scab labour' 

Fawley Power station hit by strike action by migrant workers complaining about non payment of full rates of pay within national agreements

10. BLACKLISTED t-shirts 
After countless requests, the Blacklist Support Group iconic 'BLACKLISTED' t-shirts are now available to buy from the Hope Not Hate website. 
Proceeds from t-shirts go back into the campaign

11. Dates for the diary:
Tolpuddle Festival - this weekend - solidarity greetings to everyone attending

Hazards Conference 29-31 july 

Construction Rank & File national meeting
6th August 
UNITE Holborn HQ - all building workers welcome - especially from UCATT 

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