Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Blacklist Current Agenda

1. Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle 
Blacklist Support Group are co-hosting a major employment rights conference in September at the University of Greenwich.
Bringing together activists & academics, politicians, unions and lawyers to expose the hidden underbelly of the modern workplace. Confirmed contributors include: John McDonnell, Michelle Stanistreet, Gail Cartmail, John Hendy, Roger McKenzie, Art Against Blacklisting - many more speakers to be announced.
Come along, spread the word and be part of setting the political agenda on workers rights (plus on Friday evening there will be a Blacklisting Victory party with live music & DJs)

2. When Len McCluskey said that that MI5 could be covertly undermining the Corbyn leadership, he was condemned as a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps his critics should take a look at the evidence of legal democratic campaigns being infiltrated by undercover police and the security services.

3. Video shown at UNITE Policy Conference in Brighton 
Bill Harvey, Jessica Sparrowhawk, Sandy MacPherson, Bridgett & Darrel Crapper represent

4. Solidarity
Solidarity - Wood Street Cleaners 
Wood Street cleaners have WON the London Living Wage but have voted unanimously to stay on indefinite strike until their sacked union reps are reinstated. 
Day 50 on strike - protest - Time for our entire movement to mobilise in support of this heroic dispute.
5pm Wednesday 27th July 

Solidarity with the striking Offshore workers 

Solidarity with the Durham TAs

Solidarity with Hazards conference - this weekend

5. Davey Hopper R.I.P.
Blacklist Support Group wish to send condolences to the famioy and friends of Davy Hopper, Durham NUM. Funeral this Friday. 

6. The short film 'Apologies' by Lucy Parker about the blacklisting scandal is showing as part of an exhibition from Tuesday this week until 28th August
Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street, Bankside, London, SE1 0LN. 

7. Corbyn keeps pushing the case for blacklisted workers at Durham & Tolpuddle 

Blacklist Support Group

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