Saturday, 25 June 2016

Unite & the Referendum decision

Dear Unite members 
The country has decided.  There will now be discussions to deliver the different relationship with the European Union that the voters, including significant numbers of Unite members, have democratically declared that they want.
What unfolds next is uncertain.  The country faces the prospect of electing a new prime minister and the terms of the exit must be negotiated. 
Please rest assured that your union will be putting your interests first. 
We will do everything in our power to safeguard your rights, your jobs and your living standards.
In the weeks and months to come the process of discussing the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU will begin.  You can be confident that your union, your officers and our expertise will be fully engaged with these discussions and battling daily in your best interests.
In solidarity
Len McCluskey
General Secretary

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