by antigr0up:
JUDGING from everything written so far the collective seem
to have lost any sense of perspective. Now Andy and Adam are deploying flimsy,
baseless claims towards those who are understandably calling to question the
collective's chronic negligences.
Word is the shop struggles to get
five customers on any given day. By that measure Freedom is more of mausoleum
than anything else. It certainly feels like one, but only more miserable.
customers a day won't even pay staff wages never mind any of the other
bills. The place must be losing money every week. Considering this situation
has been allowed to operate like this over years it can only mean Freedom must
be eating into the last of their financial reserves. Put this into context:
- The shop is losing money.
- The collective let out spare space upstairs to
groups who are unable to pay rent.
- The collective seem incapable of carrying
out the basic requirements of any form of book shop, never mind the compulsory
condition of doing a on 'Andy Meinke upholds the honour of Freedom!'
NV Editor: ONLY this week we have been told that it is Donald Rooum - the cartoonist - a former member of the Collective himself and now a Friend of Freedom Press, who is bailing out the Freedom Collective to produce the Freedom free-sheets, and that he recently covered them for a debt that they had run-up.
It may be of some interest that Donald was never made a Friend, while Vernon Richards was around. Donald will be one of those Friends who as required by the constitution (Memorandum of Association) to stand-down at next week's Annual & General Meeting of the Friends.
Richard Parry, the solicitor, is another Friend who is having to stand-down, but in this case it would seem that pressure has been applied behind the scenes by one of the insurgent 'tenant groups'. Mr. Parry, it would seem, has put up some of the backs of those associated with Andy Meinke and the Collective, and they have used some underhand strategy to oust him. It would seem that Mr. Parry has been doing too good a job for the likes of Mr. Meinke and his 'hangers-on' who enjoy his company.
A tenant acting as proxy for Andy's machinations (who pay little or nothing to Freedom) has put the knackers on Richard Parry? Now I have heard everything.
ReplyDeleteUnless Freedom can establish a viable financial plan all of the tenants plus Freedom itself will either fold or be forced to move to smaller premises.
The Freedom collective and their tenants have only themselves to blame.
A tenant acting as proxy for Andy's machinations (who pay little or nothing to Freedom) have sickened Richard Parry from staying? A pyrrhic victory. *slow hand clap*
ReplyDeleteUnless Freedom can establish a viable financial plan Freedom will either fold or be forced to move to smaller premises within two or three years -which means the tenants are fucked.
What's more the Freedom collective and their tenants have only themselves to blame.