Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The horrors of the English medical profession!

Stephen Bolsin from Whistleblower Interview Project on Vimeo.

Watching this video is the stuff of nightmares and not just for parents. It was George Bernard Shaw, who once said that "all professions are a conspiracy against the laity" and watching this video shows why.

Dr Stephen Bolsin is the British anaesthetists and 'whistle-blower', who exposed the scandal about the deaths of babies at Bristol Royal Infirmary in the 1990s. Over a six-year period, Dr Bolsin, sought to show and identified how too many babies were dying at Bristol Hospital, following cardiac surgery (arterial switch operation). At the time he said:

"In the end, I just couldn't go on putting these children to sleep, with their parents present in the anaesthetic room, knowing that it was almost certain to be the last time they would see their sons or daughters alive."

Despite bringing this to the attention of hospital management, the Department of Health, and the attention of three Presidents of Royal Colleges, nothing was done. It was later discovered that the Department of Health had filed away his letter notifying them of the high-rate of baby deaths, without taking action, because it didn't want to get involved in clinical matters. 

Although Dr Bolsin put his career at risk in exposing this scandal, these operations were eventually suspended and an investigation was launched by the General Medical Council (GMC). Two surgeons, Dr Wishart and Dr Dhasmana, were found guilty of serious professional misconduct for continuing to operate on children despite the alarming mortality rate. The hospital's Chief Executive, John Roylance, was struck off the medical register for covering up the surgeon's inadequacies.