Thursday, 26 May 2016

'Remain' Gains momentum!

by Les May
IT seems that it is not just me who sees the upcoming referendum on remaining in the EU as essentially a battle between two wings of the Tory party.

An article in the Independent entitled 'EU referendum: Momentum movement campaigners drafted in to rally support for Remain vote' shows that others are taking a similar view.

With reference to the decision of Momentum to both back remaining in the EU and actively campaigning for such an outcome the article says;  

The group’s decision came as senior Labour figures warned that the EU debate risked becoming 'a proxy leadership election' in the Conservative Party, that could turn off supporters of other parties.
Shadow Business Secretary, Angela Eagle, said the debate had so far resembled 'an unmistakably masculine playground spat taking place between Tory blokes fighting a proxy leadership election', pitting 'Boris Johnson with his blunder-bus' against 'George Osborne with his dwindling hopes'.
Deciding to back the Remain campaign because as the Independent puts it 'Britain leaving the EU would be a victory for the nationalist right and their campaign against migrants' does not seem to be a very well thought through position because as I argued in an earlier article immigration is our best hope for being able to pay the pension bill after the so called 'baby boomers' reach retirement age and even the 'nationalist right' will have to face up to that.

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