Saturday, 21 May 2016

Catfight on Twitter!

POLITICS hit a new low earlier this week with reports of a confrontation in the Stranger's Bar of the House of Commons, between Simon Danczuk, the notorious MP for Rochdale, and the Labour MP for the neighbouring constituency of Heywood and Middleton, Liz McInnes.  This encounter followed a catfight on Twitter between Ms. McInnes and Mr Danczuk's former wife, Karen Danczuk.

One witness to the bar-room altercation told The Mail on Sunday 'Simon was pretty menacing towards her, and could be heard saying words to the effect that he had people who could dig up stuff on her and her team.'  
Danczuk is suspended from the Labour Party:  His suspension followed claims that he sent explicit texts to a 17-year-old girl after the break-up.  He is being investigated by the expenses watchdog IPSA over whether he legitimately claimed thousands of pounds in allowances for looking after his children. 
Since his suspension Danczuk MP has had a hard time with alleged scandals over his private life and finances.  The latest blemish has been the purloining of intellectual property, exposed this week on this Northern Voices Blog,  with regard to the use without permission of iconic material from the locally highly respected publication the Rochdale Alternative Paper (RAP), which ceased publication in the 1980s.  For which a former editor of RAP received a payment from Mr. Danczuk's publisher Biteback Publishing, which will now go towards an African children's charity for the erecting of a toilet block.
In the current catfight spat between Karen and Liz McInnes MP, Karen Danczuk, who works in Mr Danczuk’s Rochdale office, had tweeted: 
'I really want to fight Middleton and Heywood at the next General Election for MP!! It’s time they had a home girl putting the town first.'
Yet, her record as a local councillor left something to be desired, and her principle political assets seem to be from the neck down!   Certainly that seems to be the area of her anatomy on which she has based her reputation in politics and beyond. 
To her credit the Heywood and Middleton MP, Liz McInnes, had responded by trying to tone things down by tweeting:  
'Karen, I have no intention of getting into a slanging match with you. Have a nice day.'

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