Friday, 1 April 2016

Jeremy Corbyn Issues Pleading Petition!

YESTERDAY, Jeremy Corbyn issued a petition (see below) calling on the general public to join him in calling on 'Parliament to be recalled to hold the Government to account as an urgent priority'.
Well, there you go! 
That will show the Tories who is in charge! 
Oh, Brave New World!
There was a time, perhaps in the 1970s, when the workers who were being threatened would have been occupying the plant.  Remember the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders?
Now the Labour movement has to depend upon the Corbynistas pleading with people to sign their petitions so that the closer of the steel industry can be discussed and the world put to rights. 
How times have changed and not for the better.
If we needed proof of the impotence of the British left and the trade unions, we would not need more evidence of the decline in the influence of the forces of progressive politics than this petition which is now being offered by the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.
Meanwhile, slightly to the left of Mr. Corbyn the Socialist Party front organization, the National Shop Stewards Network, is calling a public rally this Saturday April 2nd in Port Talbot 'to launch our campaign for nationalisation'
That may mean we can look forward to more marching together with other comrades pretending to resolve the matter.  Yet more demonstrations of  impotence!

Sign and share this petition as widely as possible:

Petition Call on David Cameron to act to protect our steel industry & recall Parliament 
David Cameron must take immediate action to act to protect the steel industry and the core of manufacturing in Britain. Join me in calling for Parliament to be recalled to hold the Government to account as an urgent priority
134,121 signatures

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