Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Domestic Tiffs in Ambridge & Rochdale

Rochdale's Liberals 'Lend Credibility to Spurious Tabloid Tales'
This link may be worth including in any preamble that you write.

Letter to the editor of the Rochdale Observer (9th, April 2016):
Dear Editor,

As a lifelong Labour voter it pains me to have to point out that Andy
Kelly seems more in tune with what people think about Mr Danczuk's
behaviour since he became the town's MP than Martin Burke appears to be.

As for the 'spurious tabloid tales' which Mr Burke refers to he should
note that it is not Mr Kelly who was suspended by his party for
'inappropriate' texts sent to a young woman; it is not Mr Kelly who has
been told to pay back £11,000 of parliamentary expenses he claimed but
was not entitled to; it is not Mr Kelly who financially benefited from
one of those 'tabloid tales'. Need I go on?

And if Mr Kelly is taking advantage of Mr Danczuk's fall from grace
should we be surprised? After all throughout the summer of 2014 we were
regularly treated to attempts to smear the Lib-Dems with regard to the
thirty five year old story of Cyril Smith's antics at Cambridge House,
until it was pointed out that at the time Smith was a member of the
Labour party and that the late Mr Roger Chadwick had gone on record as
saying that he told the Labour agent about Smith's behaviour at the

Had Mr Burke not felt the urge to respond, Mr Kelly's comments would
have been forgotten. Now they have been given a new lease of life. Or
was that the idea all along?
Les May

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