Friday, 22 April 2016

Case Work & Mrs Danczuk!

Casework_February.jpgThis chart above from Mr. Danczuk's office (slightly obscured) provides a breakdown of the varying types of case work dealt with by the team in Simon Danczuk’s constituency office in Rochdale.
In total, staff handled 56 significant new cases, dealing with everything from immigration to police matters.

On 13th, August 2015, the SUN NATION WEBSITE ANNOUNCED:

'Selfie queen Karen Danczuk is touting for a new career in PR after she lost her old job when she split from her MP husband.'
The article continued:

'Karen, 32, known for her selfies, earned around £20,000 as Simon’s secretary but lost the job after their June split. Now she has taken to her blog in a bid to land a public relations job.' 

And she said:
'I decide I want a part-time job in PR. I click away and enthusiastically upload my CV and covering letter.'
Now eight months later, she has landed a job for £12,000 back in the Rochdale constituency office of ex-hubby Simon Danczuk, the now slightly tarnished MP for Rochdale.  Mr. Danczuk is still suspended from the Labour Party.  
Today, ROCHDALE ONLINE reported that Councillor Ashley Dearnley, the Rochdale Conservative Group Leader, refused to condemn the Danczuks, he said:
'It is not for me to say who an MP should or should not employ.  It is after all public money and all information is in the public domain.'
Whilst there is no 'rule' that MPs should advertise positions, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) publishes guidance that advises MPs to: 'Advertise the vacancy and conduct appropriate assessments to ensure you have the best candidate for the role'.

Mr Danczuk did not advertise the position.  Asked why he had given a taxpayer funded job to Mrs Danczuk without advertising the role and conducting interviews, a spokesman for Mr Danczuk said: 'Karen brings a significant level of knowledge and experience to this vital role.'
Well, no doubt she will be well qualified to deal with the work load of the '56 significant new cases, dealing with everything from immigration to police matters' mentioned above.'   The chart above though not fully shown, give us some idea of what Madam Danczuk will have to get her head around and we all know that she is competent on Twitter and handy at doing selfies.
Who are we to judge who Mr. Danczuk should employ?  Even if it does come out of the public purse!

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