Thursday, 14 April 2016

Blacklist: High Court case looms!

Cullum McAlpine Ducks-out on High Court
1. Blacklisted workers taunted by central figure in the blacklisting conspiracy 

2. Blacklisted workers speak at the High Court about how standing up for fellow workers affected their families
Please share and circulate this video far & wide - and donate to Reel News 

3. Cullum McAlpine 'mastermind' behind blacklisting conspiracy refuses to give evidence in High Court trial 

4. George Tapp - working class hero - has been awarded £80,000 compensation for the life changing injuries he suffered after he was run down by a motorist whilst handing out leaflets at a blacklist protest against the construction giant BAM during the Crossrail dispute. Well done to the union & lawyers for fighting the case.

5. Overview of the High Court trial

6. Undercover police spied on the Grunwick strikers & caused the abandonment of the Grand National 

Major conference on undercover police spying on activists this coming weekend - with an all star line up of speakers and a workshop on blacklisting 

7. Blacklist firm Balfour Beatty also exploiting construction workers in Qatar 

8. Mildred Gordon R.I.P.
Mildred Gordon MP for Bow & Poplar and an active supporter of the Construction Safety Campaign has passed away.
"Is it not true that, in this country, no employer who has been found guilty of negligence that has caused a fatal accident on a building site has ever been imprisoned for criminal negligence? Should not such employers be sentenced? If it is their fault that a worker dies, is it not true that only imprisonment will make them take the matter seriously? When great profits are at stake, fines of £400, or even £2,000, will not improve the position"
9. Construction & Offshore safety concerns

Blacklist Support Group

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