Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Blacklist firm thrown off public contract!

We are publishing below a recent briefing from the  Blacklist Support Group:

"1. Skanska HQ occupied - the dirty dozen representing 
Reel News Video: - please circulate / share this video far and wide 
The next date in the High Court is Thurs 7th April - expect lots of movement behind the scenes between now and then. The Skanska occupation was the BSG input into the discussions. 

2. Blacklist firm thrown off another public contracts - more councils should follow this excellent example. 
Is a blacklist firm delivering public services for your council, university or hospital trust? 

3. Undercover police spying on activists
Helen Steel - flies to Australia to expose the undercover cop that abused her 25 years ago - absolutely heroic and BSG are very proud to count Helen as one of us. 

4. Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing 
The police have put in submissions to the Pitchford inquiry arguing that they can 'Neither Confirm Nor Deny' whether any of the exposed spycops were in fact police officers - even when they have been outed in the press and the Met have paid compensation to their victims!! The police submissions also argue that large parts of the public inquiry should be heard in secret. Hardly a 'public' inquiry! BSG and the other core participants are arguing that all of the hearings should be in public and that the Police should be forced to disclose all of the police files and release the cover names of  everyone of the undercover police spies that targeted unions, justice campaigns, and democratic peaceful political groups. 
Tues 22nd March (9am) - PItchford inquiry protest "Release the Names - Open the Files"

5. Dates for the diary
Wed 16th March (6pm) - Kill the TU Bill protest at Westminster 
Sat 19th March - Construction Safety Campaign AGM at Conway Hall, Holborn
Tues 22nd March (9am) - PItchford inquiry  "Release the Names - Open the Files" protest 
Thurs 7th April - Blacklisting High Court latest hearing 

6. In other news 
John McDonnell interview in the Liverpool Echo - talking about the Blacklist Support Group - including a big shout out to Roy Bentham 

German state media ARD runs blacklisting story on TV news - Mickey Guyll representing 

Battersea crane disaster - 10 year wait for justice 

HSE reduces safety inspections in construction - with quotes from the inspirational Louise Taggart from FACK  

Congratulations to Helen Clifford - Personal Injury Lawyer of the Year. 
Helen has spoken at Blacklist Support Group meetings, participated in the Frank Morris dispute and the Rene Tkacik Crossrail death inquest.

Bus drivers sacked after exposing safety concerns on new London Boris buses

Atlanco Rimec agency blacklisting exposed 

Ex-MI5 boss says private firms are now spying just the same as security services

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