Monday, 11 January 2016

Lifeline to Lame-Duck Rochdale M.P.

LAST Saturday, the Rochdale Observer published the following letter from the Northern Voices' journalist Les May.  In it Mr. May offers an opportunity to the shamed Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk, to save himself and his parliamentary pension by completing his second term.  This would also help his ex-wife Karen Danczuk, in so far as it would enable her to continue to flaunt herself in the media, and assist him in keeping up his maintenance payments to her for their two children.
Dear Editor,

I am one of the three dozen or so people who Mr Danczuk branded
'malecontents' after we gathered outside his constituency office last
Monday to let him know that we are very unhappy with yet another example
of behaviour which betrays a complete lack of integrity.

Since he came to Rochdale Mr Danczuk has portrayed a negative image of
the town and turned its very name into a laughing stock.  In the minds
of many Rochdalians he stands accused of  'cashing in' on his position
as an MP.

He has introduced into the town an unpleasant style of politics which
seems to depend upon smearing ones opponents rather than engaging in
open debate. He has proved to be very disruptive to the Labour party at
both local and national levels to the extent that his continued
membership of the party must be seen as one of the Tory party's greatest

Rochdale needs to move on from its present situation.  That process
could start if Mr Danczuk would announce that he will not seek the
Labour nomination at the 2020 election.  That way at least we would know
that we could look forward to a time when his behaviour as an MP was no
longer the main focus of attention. It might also be enough to prevent
him being ejected from the Labour party in the near future.

Les May

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