Thursday, 14 January 2016

Danczuk: Father of Five?

by Les May
THOUGH the formal statement from Lancashire Constabulary that a 49 year old man had been interviewed under caution about a rape allegation dating back to 2006 did not mention Simon Danczuk by name, the media had no such qualms in making the connection.

Both the Guardian and the Daily Mail added a new dimension to the ongoing saga which forms his private life by referring to him as a 'father-of-five'.  So far the mother of this fifth child seems to have avoided having her name linked to Mr Danczuk.  As she has not sought publicity I hope she will be left in peace.

Since Danczuk's book was published in April 2014 the printed and broadcast media have accepted the truth of his assertions about Cyril Smith without questioning the quality of the evidence.  But in recent months a note of doubt has begun to creep into reports of these assertions whenever Simon's current activities have come under scrutiny.

Yesterday, Alexander Baron went so far as to write:
 'There are always problems with historical allegations because much of the time they are impossible to refute. Mr Danczuk may shortly find he has the same problem because he is now himself facing an historical rape allegation. Okay Simon, prove you didn’t do it!'

Baron's point is well made.  But I doubt that Simon has sufficient insight into his own behaviour to understand it.


  1. Is Northern Voices becoming the Danczuk diaries? Come on now, we all know he's a scumbag out to feather his own nest and unfit to be Rochdale's MP. But really, isn't there something else NV can write about? All this notoriety, as you seem to be aware, only makes Danczuk more marketable and more bankable. By all means hold him to account, but can't Les May, write about something else occasionally?

  2. Les May is not writing the Diary! That item is a special contribution by one of Mr. Danczuk's constituents.

  3. I have lived in Rochdale for most of my life. Danczuk is a 'Johnny come lately', as is his sidekick Baker. Since he arrived I feel that Danczuk has stolen my town from me. He wants to tell us what the town was like when Cyril Smith was the MP and convince us that Smith was some sort of 'Mr Big'. He wants us to believe there were paedophile gangs roaming the town protected by Smith and that Smith was protected by the Security Services. He has 'muddied the water' with what he has written and said about Knowl View school to such a degree that it is unlikely we shall every know the truth about what went on there. He and his second wife Karen have made the town a laughing stock with their antics.
    On the national stage and using the thinnest of evidence he was able to 'bounce' a weak Home Secretary into an 'overarching enquiry', which will take some five years to complete and up to three more years until we see the final report.
    Northern Voices’ lacks 'the clout' to bring about a serious re-evaluation of Danczuk's book, and the fallout from it. Only if the national media begin to ask serious questions about the evidence in his book will that happen. Since his book was published in April 2014 he has been the 'go to' man for a comment on each new revelation about sexual abuse. There are signs that that is changing. If I have played even a tiny part in bringing that about I'll be well pleased.
