Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Freedom Board Fiddling While Freedom burns?

THE 'anarchist' Establishment, or Board of Friends of Freedom Press, were so taken aback by the recent reports in Private Eye that they were going to put their foot-down with the self-proclaimed 'anarcho-hangout' mob, led by the likes of Simon Saunders and Andy 'M' - the man who polices the Freedom bookshop, that according to reports they have now lost their nerve and are having second thoughts about evicting the interlopers who are sub-letting parts of the property.  Meanwhile, in a letter in a more recent November issue of Private Eye, veteran Manchester anarchist Barry Woodling complains about the apparent complacency of the Freedom Board, who seem unwilling to act to resolve the situation and ensure that the occupants of their building fulfill their obligations to produce a paper:


   Myk Zeitlin misses the point (Eye 1405, 1404). He might be happy to occupy the "Freedom” building but it was bought to print Britain’s only anarchist newspaper and was closed down by a self-selected clique who boasted in the 2014 final edition, “We fucking finished it” and admitted, “Within the Freedom Collective only a small minority were involved in producing the paper. Not so much lack of commitment as not seeing it as central to what the building was for”.  

Unfortunately for the “collective” as a legally constituted Company the function of the Freedom building is not for them to determine but legally prescribed.  The Board of Directors are legally obliged to ensure the Company’s assets are devoted to publishing a newspaper and although they are apparently unhappy about the current state of affairs they are yet to act decisively.  

Despite the firebombing it seems the Freedom Board is content to fiddle whilst Rome burns.


Barry Woodling

via email


  1. Can't admit you got it wrong then?

  2. Hand up! Got it wrong! After decades of doing nowt, ought not to have expected that the Friends of Freedom would move with the speed of Zeus.

  3. It's almost as though the moment people find out what actually going on they realise you're just a gossipy old bullshitter...

  4. Can ‘poor ole barmy’ tell us three things to enable their response to be understood? First, what do they mean by ‘It’s almost as though …’? Second, what do they mean by ‘… what actually going on they realise …’? Third, upon what basis do they rely to justify ‘you’re just a gossipy old bullshitter’?

  5. Can ‘poor ole barmy’ answer three simple questions to enable their response to be understood? First, what do they mean by ‘It’s almost as though …’? Second, what do they mean by ‘… what actually going on …’? Third, upon what basis do they rely to justify the insult ‘you’re just a gossipy old bullshitter’? By answering these three questions, ‘poor ole barmy’ will undoubtedly enable an understanding of their post.

  6. Why waste your time with Bammy? He's just an old salad cream soaked hoofwinking bunglecant.
    Dreary lectures and sad gossip.
