Monday, 16 November 2015

Rent-a-quote MP should be attacking terrorists not Corbyn!

by Les May

"Complete with a photograph captioned 'Simon Danczuk, the rent-a-quote MP for Rochdale', The Guardian recently ran a piece by Roy Greenslade which asked,  'What is with the Sun and “Labour” MP Simon Danczuk? One minute the paper is quoting him approvingly because he criticised Jeremy Corbyn’s Cenotaph nod and the next it is deriding him as a “Labour big-mouth” for his own remembrance day faux pas.'

Today Simon was at it again with a Sun piece headed 'Time for Corbyn to get in tune with people on terrorism.' What seems to be upsetting Simon is that Jeremy isn't indulging in grandstanding, Danczuk style, about the killing of Mohammed Enwazi. Helpfully Simon puts him on the right track with:

“Jeremy also needs to show moral indignation towards the terrorists.”

“There’s no room for hand-wringing pieties or academic chin-stroking.”

“Unfortunately, Jeremy got it wrong in his response to Jihadi John’s death. There was no way he could have been arrested without sending British soldiers to Syria.”

Now I don't know who Simon thinks he's speaking for here but it certainly isn't for all the friends and relative of those murdered by the Isis executioner, who were more thoughtful in their response.

Bethany Haines, daughter of the first Briton murdered by this man is quoted as saying 'Much as I wanted him dead, I also wanted answers as to why he did it.' The brother of Alan Hemmings has been quoted as saying he was glad Emwazi was dead but would have preferred him to face justice. Diane Foley the mother of James Foley, Emwazi's first known victim, said she was saddened that Americans were celebrating the killing of this “deranged, pathetic young man” and that she felt no sense of justice. Adding “It's just so sad that our precious resources have been concentrated to seek revenge or kill this man.”

If Simon really wants to do something to break the grip of Isis he should be pressuring the British government to work with other nations to halt the sale of oil by Isis which has enabled it to become the richest terrorist 'brand' the world has ever known."

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