Soon after Myk’s complaint I got an e mail from Simon Saunders about my recent contribution to the Northern Voices blog. saying '……….what problems do (I) think need addressing……………'.
If we cannot make fun of each other Simon we are just a bunch of gloomy lefties. Meanwhile anarchist throughout Britain, their friends and neighbours need dialogue with those now in FREEDOM’s building in London. Recently a house came into your possession. A first step in sensible dialogue will be for you to make it available to those groups mentioned above.
martin s. gilbert (4th, Nov. 2015)
Simon Saunders is good at sending e-mails out! He sent some to the blacklisted electrician Colin Trousdale only last year. He later claimed to have tutored Colin in the finer points of anarchism, at least that's what he boasted about to his friends in the loop on the Collective. Can you imagine it Simon Saunders who not long ago admitted he was '3 Sheets to the Wind' and didn't know the meaning of the word 'Syndicalism', is now claiming to lecture a time-served blacklisted electrician from the EPIU - with years of membership in the trade union movement on the intricate details of anarcho-syndicalism.