Tuesday, 13 October 2015

'No Comment'! by Les May

I don't 'do' Facebook, and my scanty knowledge of it is confined to what I have gleaned from watching 'The Big Bang Theory', but I came across this page from 12 October 2014 which was headed 'WAG - Women Against Groomers (Men Welcome)':  
'I have just watched Simon Danczuk on Sunday Politics BBC1 and I can say I'm disgusted how he used the grooming scandals to attack a UKIP candidate.  Since when has Simon Danczuk had the ownership on raising awareness of grooming?  I find it a bit of a joke how he makes out that he does so much to stop further grooming but when I went to see him he did nothing of any substance.  Once in the office I spoke to an employee and explained who I was and what we [did], he was very rude and began to shout at me in quite an aggressive manner then along came Simon Danczuk after I mentioned we were having a tv interview where I would state he had not helped us.
I gave Simon information on suspected grooming dens and cars of interest, I told him how the Police were not listening and asked if he could support us in getting some sort of action.
I had to keep telephoning his office for an update which finally came from the very rude employee who had shouted at me before, we were expecting some kind of support but all we got was "Annette Anderson does not want to meet with you and there's nothing further we can help you with" and then we were told via email if we wanted further dialogue we needed a Rochdale address as the address for WAG is a different area.
We have been brushed aside even though we had information regarding Rochdale grooming and a 14 year old girl being sold for sex from a flat in Rochdale, even though we have information on cars that are approaching under age girls and even though we speak to some of the victims and act as a voice for them.
This is further proof that Simon Danczuk is all mouth and no action, he is aware of this page and will hopefully see this status but we wont hold our breath for a response.'

P. S. If the link does not work as expected try copying it and pasting it into your browser.

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