Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Blacklist Group at High Court

1. High Court latest
The blacklisting firms have admitted 'vicarious liability' for the role of their managers in blacklisting. But they still refuse to admit that their conspiracy caused the workers they targeted any financial loss. So we are still full steam ahead for a 10 week conspiracy trial at the High Court next May. The next pre-hearing will take place on 7th-8th December. Blacklist Support Group will be organising a public meeting on the evening of Monday 7th December (venue tba)

2. Trade Union Bill
The Trade Union Bill which intends to restrict the freedoms of trade unions is currently in the committee stage and a number of organisations have given evidence highlighting how it breaches international law. Blacklist Support Group gave evidence alongside Amnesty International and the human rights organisation Liberty.  
https://youtu.be/WvOnlsGWQj0 (this is the punchline) 

Monday 2nd November TUC Demo & Mass lobby of Westminster parliament 12:30 onwards   

There are 100s of Trade Union Bill meetings taking place around the country - we encourage all supporters to attend and join the campaign to Kill The Bill. Cambridge Trades Council who are hosting TU Bill 21st October. 7pm - 9pm at Keynes Hall, University of Cambridge. 

3. Ongoing issues
BAM win £170 million rail upgrade in Scotland

Pay The Rate in Teesside - police target protesters 

Carillion in Liverpool 

4. Blacklisting & Art currently wowing audiences in Peckham and New York 

Ragged Trousered Philanthropists in Peckham - Dave Smith will be speaking about blacklisting on Tuesday 20th October 

United We Stand - story of the Shrewsbury Pickets in Peckham - multiple celebrity nights from 2-14 November 

Mark Thomas brings his award winning human rights show to New York. Blacklisted by the construction giants, spied on by BAE systems and placed on the Met Police domestic extremism database. Spread the word to our US comrades. If any NY unions or journos want to contact Mark while he is in the US, get in touch to arrange. 

5. Charlie Pottins R.I.P.
The funeral of our comrade and friend, Charlie Pottins will take place at 1pm on WEDNESDAY 21st OCTOBER, at Northwood Cemetery, Chestnut Avenue, Northwood, HA6 1DE. Charlie was an active trade unionists and a stood shoulder to shoulder with blacklisted workers over many years on protests, picket lines and in court. 
Nearest tube: Northwood Hills (Metropolitan Line)

6. Future dates for the diary 
Wed 4th November (6pm) - Blacklisted book event in Holyrood parliament 
Saturday 7th November - Socialism 2015, Institute of Education (blacklisting will be covered in the 'Big Brother is watching you' workshop.
Saturday 14th November - Unite the Resistance - Defend Our Unions conference (Blackisting & Teesside #PayTheRate coovered). 

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