Saturday, 23 May 2015

Chosing a Labour Leader!

AS Blair and Mandelson tell Labour MPs to choose yet another leader drawn from the same sort of background as the people who are unlikely ever to vote Labour, perhaps our two Labour MPs, Liz McInnes and Simon Danczuk, should remind them that it may be time to choose a leader with the same sort of background as the people in the North of England who turned out last Thursday and gave Labour many of the seats it still holds.

But if Mr Danczuk has any pretensions to ever holding office he will eventually have to answer the questions about his recent book which have repeatedly been put to him. It isn't just the marked difference between what Mr Danczuk claims for his major witness at Knowl View and what that
witness is on record as saying in newspaper interviews in 1995, 2012 and 2013. It is also the fact that in his book he hints that he knew about Cyril Smith's activities at Cambridge House before his death in 2010. If this is indeed the case it raises the question of why he attended the unveiling of the 'Blue Plaque' in 2011.

If criticism is going to be made of Clegg, Steel and Thatcher with regard to what they knew about Cyril, then perhaps similar criticism should be directed at Mr Daczuk and for the same reason.

Les May.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree. But try asking questions of him on Twitter and he will block you. He did know about Cyril before the Blue Plaque ceremony, in fact when he was first selected as PPC he was furnished with info, RAP etc. At that stage he was already planning on how to use that information for his own benefit.
