Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Undercover Spy Confesses!

1. ex-Undercover cop admits spying on trade unions:
On the same day that Teresa May announced a public inquiry into undercover policing, Peter Francis, ex-Special Demonstration Squad police officer turned whistleblower has admitted spying on several trade unions. This came in a written statement that was read out by John McDonnell MP during the parliamentary book launch event for the 'Blacklisted' book. This has created considerable media interest and outrage from trade unions. Politicians have so far kept very quiet on the matter.
BSG fully supports the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) and welcome the Teresa May announcement of a public inquiry into police spying. BSG demand that blacklisting is part of the inquiry, the full remit should only be decided after consultation with the victims of police spying. BSG also support the call for Peter Francis and other police whistleblowers to be exempted from the Official Secrets Act when they give evidence in court or in any public inquiry. The OSA is being used by the police in order to cover up the scandal.
2. Crossrail safety sackings
Several workers have been seriously injured on Crossrail. One worker has been killed after being crush when a tonne of concrete fell on him. The inquest jury returned a narrative verdict that identifies a lack of a barrier as one of the contributory factors in his death. Yet union members who have raised safety concerns on the project have been dismissed. At the Bond Street station, the main contractors responsible for the dismissal are the blacklisting firms Costain and Skanska. Blacklist Support Group and Construction Rank & File have launched a campaign to get the sacked electrician reinstated. BSG appeal to as many supporters as possible to attend the protest this Wednesday evening against the Crossrail safety sackings. This is important.
6pm Wed 18th March
Construction News Awards
Hilton Hotel
Park Lane
3. Blacklisted book in the Westminster and Scottish parliament - now making the media
For more pix search: #blacklistedbook on social media  
Motion Number: S4M-12653 submitted to the Scottish Parliament by Neil Findlay MSP
Date Lodged: 12/03/2015
Title: Launch of 'Blacklisted' the Book
Motion Text:
That the Parliament welcomes the launch on 12 March 2015 in the House of Commons of the book, Blacklisted, by Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain; notes that the book exposes what it argues is an illegal blacklisting scandal orchestrated by some of the largest multinational construction companies in the UK; understands that it uncovers previously unseen documentary evidence about the role of undercover police spying units in colluding with this and exposes the way in which ordinary men and women were believed to be systematically denied employment simply for standing up for their basic rights, and further understands that across Scotland and the rest of the UK these companies are still being awarded publicly-funded contracts despite never admitting wrongdoing nor apologising and paying compensation to the workers affected.

4. Teeside action to defend collective bargaining agreements
5. Welsh Assembly moves to ban umbrella companies on public contracts
6. AOB

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