Thursday, 19 March 2015

Cyril Smith: Jumping on the Bandwagon

by John Walker former editor of RAP in The Guardian
FINALLY the hunt is on to nail those responsible for aborting police inquiries into the child sex abuse allegations against the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith and other – as yet unnamed – establishment figures from the 1970s and 1980s. But his abuses have been covered up and ignored for over 35 years. Why should the victims feel that anything much has changed in recent days?
I write as co-editor of the Rochdale Alternative Paper, which in May 1979 published a 2,000 word article, quoting in graphic detail from the testimonies of boys Smith had sexually abused a decade and a half earlier. The article was cleared legally by three prominent lawyers, on a pro-bono basis. They went through every word with a view to potential libel pitfalls. On legal advice we sought Smith’s comments prior to publication. We received none directly: only a bungled 'gagging' writ, which failed to prevent publication.

We also wrote to the then leader of the Liberal party, David Steel, for his comments. We quoted the response of the Liberal party press office, dated 22 April 1979, in our newspaper: “It is not a very friendly gesture, publishing that, all he seems to have done is spanked a few bare bottoms.” So, Steel chose to look the other way, and within a decade was recommending Smith for a knighthood. Fleet Street looked away at the time too. There was not a national paper newsdesk that did not have a copy of our well-sourced article.  Smith threatened and blustered, and they all backed off.
Private Eye alone – via the fearless Paul Foot – covered the story.  Emboldened by his escape from justice, Smith possibly continued his abuse of pubescent boys for ​two decades
Smith had got away with it.  He increased his parliamentary majority and, emboldened by his escape from justice, possibly continued his abuse of pubescent boys for two decades.  Action in 1979 could have stopped him in his tracks, and prevented abuse and misery for future victims.  Files on Smith’s child abuse were passed around police forces and the security services in the 1970s and 1980s – with no prosecutions.  More covering up and inaction, instead of an end to his abuse.

The political honours scrutiny committee drew Margaret Thatcher’s attention to the Smith files in 1988, prior to her agreeing to a knighthood for him. She could have intervened, but chose to honour him – a further insult to his victims.

Rochdale council made Smith a freeman of the borough, named a room in the town hall after him and, in a ceremony attended by the current MP Simon Danczuk, put up a blue plaque in his honour – now taken down, apparently to prevent vandalism.  More rubbing the noses of many victims in their misery, on their home patch.

Following the emergence of the first Jimmy Savile revelations three years ago, Private Eye and I persuaded Channel 4’s Dispatches programme to run an episode on Smith.  It did justice to the subject, but was allotted a ludicrous graveyard airing slot.
Further nudges led to the publication of the Danczuk book last year, serialised in the Daily Mail. This, for the first time, provoked widespread news coverage, at home and abroad.

Some victims had waited almost half a century for a public acknowledgement of their plight. Many people had known at least some of it for over three decades. Something approaching closure was on the horizon for the abused – at last. But what has happened since? More 'inquiries' than you can shake a stick at – some of which have been set up, disbanded and re-established; all of which are stumbling over each other; and none of which have delivered. And then there are the lawyers – armies of them – muscling in on the action, keeping themselves busy but with no apparent outcome for the victims.

Earlier this week the BBC “discovered” the story for the first time.  Lots of harrumphing, hand-wringing, outrage and angst poured over a story that it has sat on for decades.

And so, 36 years on, Smith has been justly demonised. But all those others, by their silence, blind-eye turning, indifference, obstruction and suppression, continue to prosper. No wonder the victims feel let down – not just by Smith, but by a system and institutions that have conspired to protect and shield him.  

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